
Graduation Ceremony

Class of 2025

Wednesday, May 21, 2025

7:00 pm, SM South Stadium



●  Seniors will receive information about ordering their cap/gown in October.  Please complete this task before Winter Break.

●  Seniors and families - please visit your Skyward account and work to come up with a plan to pay any outstanding fees

●  Continue to focus on attendance and show your best work on coursework and tests.



-  Students and Parents, please go to your Skyward account to check to see if you have any outstanding dues and fees. It is greatly appreciated if you make time now to complete these payments. If you have extenuating circumstances and need to talk to someone about a payment plan, please don’t hesitate to reach out. You can call Jennifer Silverstein at 993-7803 and she can arrange for you to talk to the bookkeeper or an administrator.

-  Make sure that you are completing your assignments, and your exams. You need to pass your classes that are needed for graduation. If you are struggling, please reach out to your counselor and take advantage of our after school tutoring program.

-  As the end of the year approaches, please return any borrowed materials (library books, textbooks, calculators, athletic equipment). You will be given a senior check out form to complete your last week for each teacher to sign off that you have turned in items. You will also return your MacBook, case, and charger on your last day of school. It will help if you clean these with a wipe and then a dry towel, and remove all stickers.

SENIOR LAST DAY AND REHEARSAL - Last Day for Seniors will be announced by the district after Spring Break.
*Please note the rehearsal is mandatory. Please reach out to Jennifer Silverstein if you have any extenuating circumstances.

7:40AM - Seniors will report to their First Block class for their final
(Any mid-year graduates or students that don’t have a scheduled first block should plan to arrive at 9:00 and report to the Main gym).

9:15AM - 1st Block final ends and seniors will then proceed to the gym. The gym will be set up with folding chairs very similar to the set up for Graduation. Students will find their assigned chair and all students will sit in alphabetical order. Please bring a pen with you to the rehearsal.

9:20-10:00AM - Students will be released in small groups to turn in their MacBook/Case/Charger. They will have with them their COMPLETED senior check out sheet that should have been signed by each of their teachers earlier in the week.

As students wait, staff members will circulate and pass out an envelope of tickets for each graduate. Students will need to sign off that they have received the tickets. If weather permits, there will be no limit on guests at the SM South stadium for graduation. If it rains, the ceremony will move the main gym inside of SM South. Each graduate has five tickets to pass out to close family members or friends. The district does record graduation ceremonies and posts them later on the SMSD website for future viewing.

Readers of the roll will confirm with each student the correct pronunciation of their name.

10:00AM - Staff and Counselors will review with students an information/instruction sheet and answer all questions that students might have about graduation.

Students will be dismissed by small groups again to turn in their check out sheet and then pick up their cap/gown.

11:00AM - Students will be released from the rehearsal, after picking up their cap and gown.
-The yearbook staff will be in the main gym for students to pick up their pre-ordered yearbooks. There will be a limited number of books available for sale ($70).

-There will also be a picnic lunch sponsored by the Senior Sizzle committee of PTSA. This will be set up in the area by the tennis courts (weather permitting) and students will be able to enjoy some time to be with their classmates, eat, and sign yearbooks. Students are then dismissed from school.